Monday, December 28, 2009

The Resolution

I have always had an affinity for reading. I remember being in elementary school, finishing my class work early and being excused to go sit in the library and read so as not to interfere with the other students.

In the ongoing effort to better myself, I have taken decided to set a goal of reading 100 books in 2010.  This is a lofty goal, as I seem to usually average about 4 books a month.  I will need to double that amount and more in order to meet this goal, but I plan on doing this by reducing some of the other time-sinks to fulfill this goal.

One caveat that I want to throw out there, is that while I say read, I also will count the books that I listen to as I load up audio books on  my ipod to listen to while driving, walking/running etc.

Ready - Set - Go!

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